Related work
Links to software related to Hyperopt, and Bayesian Optimization in general.
Software using Hyperopt
- hyperopt-sklearn - using hyperopt to optimize across sklearn estimators.
- hyperopt-convnet - optimize convolutional architectures for image classification
- used in Bergstra, Yamins, and Cox in (ICML 2013).
- hyperopt-dbn - optimize Deep Belief Networks (Coming Soon)
- used in Bergstra, Bardenet, Bengio, and Kegl (NIPS 2011)
- used in Bergstra and Bengio (JMLR 2012)
- hyperas - hyperopt wrapper for keras
Other Software for Bayesian Optimization
- SMAC - Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration (based on regression trees).
- Spearmint - Gaussian-process SMBO in Python.
- BayesOpt - Bayesian optimization toolbox
Should other software be listed here? File a github issue to add it.